Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Why Journal?

I have journaled off and on (more off then on) over the past 4 years and do it because I love to write and I love sharing who I am. I also feel to some extent it's a theraputic way to get things off my chest. Whether or not the reader wants to read it or not, I put it out there. I haven't found too many people who won't deliberately read what I write. Yet. But if you are reading this far, chances are, hopefully, you'll keep on reading about me.

I have no idea where this blog (journal) will take you as the reader, or how revealing I might get, but my thoughts, if anything, should prove entertaining. I suppose if I stick with it, it might grow into a Great American novel. No doubt one comedic in nature, if time allows me the opportunity, and if I am able to find the right words. I never lack for words, trust me.

I actually had another journal here, but I found it boring. I hope this new start yields better results. Perhaps the view of my life will be better from my front porch. I hope you join me on the my front porch.

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