Sunday, September 03, 2006

Adios Ernesto and Bennies!

Our first storm of the 2006 hurricane season has come and gone, and without much hurrah, at least in my neck of the woods. There were others, not too far from me, who did not do as well. Before I saw the above photo from the Asbury Park Press, I was grumbling because my front and back yards were littered with branches, twigs, acorns, and an abundance of leaves. I dislike a messy lawn. I also dislike the dogs chewing the bigger sticks into little sticks, making more of a mess for me to clean up. But the I saw the photo and realized, I had nothing to grumble about. What's a few little sticks and leaves?

So after a morning's work, the yard, the deck, and the patio are once again free from mother nature's debris and life goes on...

The weather is fall like and absolutely enjoyable! Of course, I would like to hope I might get one or two more beach days in, but we'll see. This is the last weekend of the summer and for many people in my area it means but one important thing...Adios Bennies!! Those northerners who hog up the roads and beaches are heading home! Bubye! See you all next summer...

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