Sunday, September 13, 2009

Family Reunion Time!

It happens once a year…the little leaves and acorns gather, descendents of larger branches and firm roots. I love seeing family I don’t get to see all the time. Although thanks to Facebook, I have been able to maintain better contact with some. And I love that.

We meet each year out at my brother’s farm, which is not that far from where our descendents hail from. Talk about returning to your roots. There are two older family members who do not come all the time, but when they do, they share a tremendous amount of family lore. We have tons of stories to share, and those who come always seem to have a good time.

Families are so important. I am glad I am in the one I am in. Even if the tree has a few nuts on it….that’s what makes us fun.

1 comment:

maybe said...

I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^