Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Smells of Morning

I love the fresh smell and sounds of morning, especially during the summer months. I’m usually out on my deck by 6am and greeted by the sounds of birds, the occasional tinkling of my wind chimes, and most times, pure morning silence. The smell is fresh, unless a skunk has passed through the area, which thankfully is rare. What is it about familiar sounds and smells that gives us such peace?

I remember as a kid waking up some mornings to the smell of fresh cut grass, and the sounds of the lawn mower (both power and non-power). I remember feeling safe, knowing my dad was out and about getting chores done. I remember the sounds of small motor boats skimming over the water on the lake we lived on and the sounds of the kids in the neighborhood outside playing games. I can remember the smell of fresh coffee and bacon wafting up through the house; my mom hard at work in the kitchen. They were all normal sounds and smells in my normal little world. Perhaps this is why I love the smells and sounds of summer. They take me to a place where the world was right and good, and I felt safe. The smells and sounds of my mornings now take me to the same place. I love my deck in the mornings. Peaceful, quiet, and safe.

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