Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hummingbirds Galore!

One of the things that I used to be envious of that Gidget had, and I did not, were hummingbirds. We can sit on her deck and watch them flit about all day long. In fact, we can even relax in her hot tub as they buzz around our heads on their way to the sweet nectar. She has had them in her yard for many years, so they have no fear of the humans or the very busy beagle that patrols her deck.

I am no longer jealous because thanks to my incredible trumpet vine, that has bloomed so well this year, I now have my very own little birds. After I saw them come and go for about a week, I added several feeders, and I too, can watch as they whirl in and out of my yard. To many, this may not seem like an exciting thing, but I love these little birds and find them so fascinating to watch! I get a kick out of nature, what can I say?

They also add a little humor when they zip in fast and dive bomb the dogs, who have no idea what they are, and why they have invaded their space. The dogs have learned they are now a part of their world and lay watching them at the feeders. I just hope they stay for the summer and return next year.

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