Sunday, March 08, 2009

Bonnie and Clyde

I would have loved the opportunity to spend time with these two characters, for at least a day. Can you believe this May 23rd marks the 75th Anniversayof the day the two were ambushed! Where has time gone?

Wouldn't you love the chance to hang with them? What went on their heads? Why did they go on the killing sprees they did? Bonnie was so young! How does a 23 year old become so infected with that much rage? Of course, they did supply the nation with a lot of entertainment at a time when things were bad, real bad. Kind of like today. "They were front-page news, newsreel stars, heroes to those who hated banks and the government, institutions the young outlaws mocked." Kind of like today.

Is there a Bonnie and Clyde out there. Waiting. Watching.

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