Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Me? A Pediatric Nurse?

I have been cross training to the area of pediatrics over the last month or so. It's being done because the administrator wants us to cross train to the other areas on the fifth floor, and because we are heavily staffed in L&D, and the census has been low. I could have picked postpartum or the nursery, but I have experience in those areas and thought something new might be fun. Fun? Different.

I did do some "Pedi Time" at my last job in a hospital in PA where I worked, but needed to have a refresher, so I raised my hand to go to this area. I am all about making myself more marketable anyway, especially these days when everything in health care is so damn unstable. It's not such a bad little place. The staff have been friendly and I have learned a few new things. Of course, I have also learned that everywhere one goes (other units), most (other nurses) are miserable these days with the uncertainty hanging over our heads.

So now I have another area I can tack on my resume, NOT that I will be seeking Pedi nurse jobs in the near future. Trust me. But I can say that the gig is not so bad. If I had to, I could be a pedi nurse. Maybe. Ok, maybe just a little.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am in nursing school right now and I hope to be a pediatric nurse someday! Just so you know I think you are amazing...I never realized what nurses do until I got into school :) Keep up the great are really making a difference in people's lives