Wednesday, July 30, 2008

About Missing Migo

The truth is...I will miss my Little Migo terribly. I thought it would be easy to say goodbye to this little demon, but I look at the face, that face that begs kisses, and I know I am going to miss him. Thank goodness for webcams...Caitlin is hooked up from Grenada, so I will be able to see him, and her (I will definitely miss her) when I need a Migo fix (which will be everyday).

I know he will be safe, and I love knowing that Caitlin will come home to him after class. I know how I feel after a long day having those faces greet me at the door. Therefore, for her, I am glad he is going with her. Having a companion with her will make her life in Grenada more enjoyable. They are after all, family. And living with family is always good (unless it is not).

Caitlin has promised she will write about their antics while living there and those writings can be found in a blog called “A Golden in Grenada”. It will be fun, and fresh, (like Meegs) and filled with many wonderful stories. So if you like my blog, the chances are, you will loves hers too. In the mean time, I will keep you all informed of life here, without my little demon. Thankfully, there are three more cute faces left here to kiss.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Lexy!

Officially a double digit midget...we always celebrate our pets birthdays. Why wouldn't we??
The birthday girl with her special Princess hat on.
Her birthday was celebrated in style with an ice cream cake for all. She got a few gifts that were immediately taken by Migo. Figures.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Had my dad lived, he would have been 76 years old today. I miss him terribly.

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Old Lady and the Sea

Growing up at the Jersey Shore has allowed me to the opportunity to do some ocean fishing. I also grew up on a lake so we all had our fishing education at an early age, and our first poles were usually a stick, some fishing line, and another stick or piece of cork for the bobber. The art of digging for worms was something we all excelled at, and even finding night crawlers with tiny flashlights was something we all did with great proficiency.

Picture, if you will, four small kids lined up along the lake shore line with usually my dad or Uncle Ronnie right there instructing us on why we should not cast so close to each other and the trees, or ELSE. Picture again several lines all crossing into each other or hanging out of the trees that graced the lake. Thankfully, both our teachers had great patience.

My fishing at the ocean has always been from the beach or the jetty, although I have been able to catch fish no matter the place. I am not an avid fisherperson, but I have enjoyed it when I have been able to go. In addition, I am not the least bit squeamish about baiting my own hook, or scraping fish cuts off my hands. Yesterday, I had the chance to fish on a boat at sea.

My brother John has a boat, a big one, and Jim and I went to sea with him to spend some time fishing. I did catch one small fluke, but had to throw him back (fishing laws dictate size along the coast). Fish or no fish, I had an incredible time soaking up the sun, enjoying the smell of the salty air, and feeling the wet spray on my skin as we flew over waves and bounced along the current. We were also able to see a large pod of dolphins playing and feeding in the water and that added to the experience.

I hope to go again, although it might have to wait until next year as the rest of this summer is filled with landlubber activities, but I can always look forward to doing it again, and again. The open invitation is there.

It was R-E-L-A-X-I-N-G! And I love to relax, especially with family. Adding the sea only made the experience better.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Preparing for the "Empty Nest"

According to the dictionary, "empty nest syndrome is a general feeling of loneliness that parents/other guardian relatives may feel when one or more of their children leave home, and while it is more common in women, it can happen to both sexes". I have already started counting the days until both kids are out of the house for the next school semester.

I have dealt with Caitlin leaving many times, and it never gets any easier, even knowing she will return. But I have never had to deal with Daniel leaving, and I am not sure I am even close to being ready for that, for so many reasons. So yesterday, in order to start the process, I went to Linens and things and bought him stuff he will need for his dorm room. It was fun browsing through the linens looking for things that would be acceptable to the male student, in a male dorm. And I might add, there's not a lot of choices. Girls definitely rate higher in the linen departments. But I digress.

I am excited for Daniel, but at the same time, I have already started to miss him. Thankfully he and I have always had a great relationship, despite the speed bumps along the way. His laugh makes me laugh. He is one of the many shining lights in my life. What is it about our boys that tugs at a mom's heart strings? He's pure joy.
I just hope he cleans his room before he goes. Or I will after he goes. Fun!! Who said "empty nest" is all bad??

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lexy Has Cait's Back....

My daughter Caitlin has always been convinced, through her heart, that her dog Lexy will live forever. Her veterinarian schooling has reinforced what her head already knew; that Lexy will not live forever. In her heart, yes, and now on her back as well.

Caitlin decided a long time ago that she would have Lexy tattooed on her back, so that she would be with her, literally, forever. So recently, she went to see a local tattoo artist to see his portrait work. She liked what she was, made an appointment, and this past Monday, the tattoo was made.

The exactness of Lexy is almost eerie. The tattoo not only captioned her well, but she has this knack of raising her left eyebrow at us, and the artist even captured that trait! The colors are gorgeous and he, painfully per Cait) was able to really define the colors of a Golden. I have included both the tattoo and a picture of Lexy for your review.

I am fond of tattoos, having one myself, but I am truly in awe that Caitlin now carries with her a lifetime companion, and not only in her heart.

Friday, July 18, 2008

The History of American Nursing: Part One

I love this class! Oh sure it is a ton of writing, and reading, and posting things to the online classroom, but I do really do like what I am learning! Who knew there was more to my professional nursing history than just Florence (my idol) Nightingale, Clara Barton, Dorthea Dix, and everyone’s favorite girl, Cherry Ames! The myths of history are being whacked at one by one. I had no idea that male nurses go way back, I mean way back! And male midwives existed before females midwives really got started!

My mentor is a lovely woman from Washington State and the only one who ever even bothered to encourage phone calls to her!! It’s nice placing a voice to a person to a name! (If you get my drift).

My class essay or research project (so to speak) will focus on how home births went to hospital births and what impact this change made on early American nursing school curriculums. I know, dry for some, but I am finding the preliminary stuff kind of neat to read about. So that’s where I am at, for now. In case you were dying to know. =)

Taking The Right Course in Life

I am very proud to announce that my son, Daniel, has been accepted to Johnson and Wales University, in their culinary program. He has been stuck in the culinary world at a point at which he feels he cannot progress unless he has the next leg of his academic journey completed. (Unless a world renowned chef calls him and asks him to come and work for him, but what are the chances of that happening?) So, he’s got the offer of acceptance, now we just have to hope they can help him with the funds. And hope that this is the right school at this time in his life. There are other schools, thankfully.

I think a lot of his motivation in attending this school is in part because his best friend Kelly attended there, and still attends there. And, despite how things have gone in their relationship, I do thank Kelly for encouraging him and motivating him. Sometimes, parents are not able to get this accomplished, no matter how we lay life out in front of our kids. So thanks Kelly. Whatever the motivating factor is, I hope he can attend a school that meets his needs, settles in, and then kicks butt in the academic program. I hope, I pray.

In the mean time, he is working. And hopefully making the right decisions about all aspects of his life. Mostly about his future in the culinary world.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Joys of an Early Summer Evening

“When life hands us a beautiful bouquet we stare at it in cautious expectations of a bee.” ~ Dean Kootz

This is also true when I am out trimming my beautiful butterfly bush. As I work to cut away the dead blooms, so the newer ones can be show cased, I am forever dodging the bees. Lots of bees. However, on this particular evening, I found myself enjoying the visitor who came to suckle on my blooms. But even after a Google search, I am not so sure I know what the visitor is; bee or hummingbird bee? It was huge, and if you watch the video below, perhaps you can see why I believe it to be more than the average bee type.

The point here is though, that despite my hectic life, I found myself fascinated and literally glued to watching this thing for quite some time. It darted from bloom to bloom, sitting long enough to take in the sweet drink from each pretty flower. If it had time to enjoy the sweetness of an early summer evening, so did I. And I am glad I did.

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Phantom of The Opera!!

Caitlin and I were lucky enough this last Wednesday to be invited by one of my workmates to see a Broadway play. The leading role, the Phantom, was being played by the son of one the obstetricians that used to work where I do, John Cudia. What an awesome play, what an awesome group of voices, and what a wonderful time we had! After the show, we were invited to go back stage where we spent time with John. What a cutie! And his voice. See for yourself, watch the youtube video I have added to this post.

We then headed to John’s Pizza Place across the street from the theater, where they “Do not serve slices” which was fine since I had no interest in pizza. Our meal was great! The day in the city is like all days in the, interesting, and memorable.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

I am knee deep in school work (hip deep this am), so this is going to be a simple, and to the point posting. (see the title)