Saturday, November 01, 2008

November Obligations

According to Martha Stewart, who I rarely reference because she and I are no longer friends (long story), November is the month to do the following:

Vote. I’ll add it is your duty as an American, so do it!

Set the clocks back. Love that extra hour of sleep!

Turn down the heat. (I would have to turn on first, but ask anyone I know, and my house is NEVER over heated).

Make sure the house is draft free. It is, thank you, although if I didn’t have to let Madison in and out so many times...

Inspect you trees for those branches that with heavy snow might come crashing down. Well Martha, here’s the thing. I have been after Jim for about three years now to do that, and WE still have branches looming overhead, ready to wreck I will defer him to you. Oh wait, he hates you. That will not work.

Clean gutters! DONE!!

Preserve pots. You mean I should not leave the dead plants in the pots sitting out all winter until spring?? That takes away the challenge of trying to remove dead old plants from pots come spring.

Check baking supplies for freshness. You are talking to the baker here...

Okay Martha, check and double check. Now I can move into November with a sense of accomplishment already!


Anonymous said...

kellys birthday is novemeber 14... big 21st :-) im a november babyyyy.

Anonymous said...

kellys birthday is novemeber 14... big 21st :-) im a november babyyyy.

Wendy said...

And a BIG birthday it is!! =)