Tuesday, December 04, 2007

I'm Back!

I missed journaling! So I have returned. Now all I have to do is get the readers back. Thankfully there is email.

Playing catch up will be easy. Life has not always been easy, but it has moved forward and we have all marched to the beat of life the best we knew how.

Since my last entry in 2006, Caitlin has graduated from Rutgers and is on her way to Grenada...Daniel is just about done with college and has just about obtained his culinary degree...I finished the first leg of my goal in becoming a nursing instructor and obtained my BSN this past June...and Jim is still on the road to obtaining his Masters.

We adopted a dog, and lost him after 6 months. We then bought another dog, Meego, and he is settling into life around here. (That's him in the picture)

We finished the outdoor kitchen and have moved onto other projects around the house.

See life goes on and not a whole lot is new.

I'm onto a whole new path....and you are all coming along for the ride.

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