Saturday, July 26, 2008

Preparing for the "Empty Nest"

According to the dictionary, "empty nest syndrome is a general feeling of loneliness that parents/other guardian relatives may feel when one or more of their children leave home, and while it is more common in women, it can happen to both sexes". I have already started counting the days until both kids are out of the house for the next school semester.

I have dealt with Caitlin leaving many times, and it never gets any easier, even knowing she will return. But I have never had to deal with Daniel leaving, and I am not sure I am even close to being ready for that, for so many reasons. So yesterday, in order to start the process, I went to Linens and things and bought him stuff he will need for his dorm room. It was fun browsing through the linens looking for things that would be acceptable to the male student, in a male dorm. And I might add, there's not a lot of choices. Girls definitely rate higher in the linen departments. But I digress.

I am excited for Daniel, but at the same time, I have already started to miss him. Thankfully he and I have always had a great relationship, despite the speed bumps along the way. His laugh makes me laugh. He is one of the many shining lights in my life. What is it about our boys that tugs at a mom's heart strings? He's pure joy.
I just hope he cleans his room before he goes. Or I will after he goes. Fun!! Who said "empty nest" is all bad??

1 comment:

Mindy said...

I'm a ways away from the empty nest, but I already have both feelings... that it will be great to have them moving on, and exciting to see them experience the world, and sad to not have them with me every day anymore! Good luck with your transition.