Friday, August 29, 2008

Down and Out...Singing the Hospital Blues

I am writing this post from my hospital bed. It's all about an old gallbladder problem, that despite being yanked out years ago, the duct that remains is decided to rear it's ugly head. I hate hospitals.

I know this sounds somewhat strange coming from a nurse, but the truth is, unless I am on my feet taking care of the patient, I am no good at being one. I am feeling great as I write this, but few short hours ago, I was not so happy. Thankfully a few doses of narcotics and I am now back to being myself. I have had a meal after being with out food for many hours and I want to go home. However, the MDs have not yet made rounds (its 3pm) and it is now that I find myself a prisoner, and not a happy one. So thankfully, my hubby has a laptop that is available, so I could do school work and destress from not being able to do that. Being behind in that makes me nuts.

So for now I must be patient...and try and be a good one. Oy!

1 comment:

Mindy said...

I hope you get well soon! I'd much rather be helping others than the one who is sick... I totally understand!