Saturday, February 28, 2009

No Money, No Bones

I recently was made aware that because we are facing a huge financial problem in this country, people now have to choose between feeding themselves and feeding their pets. There are also those people facing the issue of “do I get care for my pet, or don’t I?” Vet visits are down, which is certainly no fun for their businesses, but I am more concerned about the animals being dumped. It is not something I have never had to think about, nor would I want to face that issue. I would certainly explore every option I could first.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals recently estimated that up to 1 million cats and dogs nationwide “are at risk of becoming homeless as a result of the continuing economic downturn.” Shelters across the country are busting at the seams, which only leads to more animals being needlessly euthanized. I find that sad.

I hope that people explore every option possible before ‘dumping’ their pets. Please.


Anonymous said...

There is another nonprofit that can help. Feeding Pets of the Homeless go to and help by donating or becoming a volunteer collection site.

debi9kids said...

So sad isn't it? Amazing how bad things are becoming!
I just heard that the new budget for this year is going to make charity donations no longer tax deductable either. Can you imagine how many charities will lose out?
This is an awful time for everyone :(

ps Popping over after seeing you on MomsLikeMe.