Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Self- Doubt

I have been chasing the dream of teaching nursing for quite some time. I really want the chance to help my profession grow through helping others reach their dreams of becoming nurses. I want to make a difference. You can’t do it unless you have a degree. Unfortunately.

I love being in school, although lately it has been quite a personal challenge. I have stumbled in the past, but have managed to breeze through each class and quite well. Lately, I keep wondering if perhaps I was not meant to teach. It is hard, sometimes, to believe in your ability to be or do everything you dream about and even the most determined person has their dark moments. I hate self-doubt.

Self Doubt: A lack of faith or confidence in oneself.

That is what I have. That is where I am at right now. I hear the little voices in my head (not really, please do not call the mental health police) saying that maybe I'm not good enough, not smart enough, or not talented enough to be a good teacher. Where does this self-doubt come from? I am hoping it is a little speed bump. I have no time for self-doubt right now. I have to get through this damn class.

Self-doubt is the little voice in your head saying " You Can Do It!" and the big voice saying " I Wish You Would"...listen to the little voice” ~Sean O’Donnell


Anonymous said...

thats me every other day... i hate school sometimes.. but i know another day i'll love it and know that i made the right choice. keep up the good work :-) but most of all just keep swimming.. just keep swimming lol

Wendy said...

Thanks kelly!