Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I am Right Behind You Diane!

I have never been a person with a fragile ego. I have had my issues with weight (who hasn’t?), my hair (the fire – engine - red incident and the blue-smurf incident), my face (my birthmark has always been an issue, but really only when people insist I get “it” taken care of, or have felt compelled to hand me a business card of the local plastic surgeon {and why would you carry around that card anyway??}), and soon), and my mouth (Chickens have bigger lips), but never enough to interfere with my life, or make me rethink how I should better handle things. That is until recently.

I recently looked in the mirror, and found TWO extra wrinkles. Now I look in the stupid mirror every day, so where and when they arrived is a mystery, but I will not tolerate them. Seriously. I knew that Diane Lane (yes, the actress) had the same issues (apparently) and she used a product by Neutrogena her wrinkles were cleared up within a few short weeks! I have looked at many pictures of her and NOT one dumb wrinkle exists, so the product has to be good, right??

So, with that knowledge, I Googled her and Neutrogena right away, and found the necessary product. I got Jim and Caitlin to buy the product (specific instructions) and have started a new facial regimen. I have to do something. Two extra wrinkles are not going to be tolerated.

I will keep you all posted, since my face certainly has to be important to more than just me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that dog is pretty cute...bot as cute as the one that sat on my lap in the plane... :OP