Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Rhino Dead. Film at 11.

Poor Rhino. Poor Penguin, Poor everything that comes through the door that Migo might get his paws on to de-stuff. I have seen more stuffing on my floors the past two days than Paula Deen might see at one of her Thanksgiving feasts. (yes mine is non-edible, but you get the point).

First he yanks out the eyes. It seems we have a large variety of blind stuffed animals. Then he picks at the hole and little by little it gets big enough for him to yank out the stuffing. He truly has set records in flattening animals. When it is all over, he merely gets up and walks away leaving me to deal with the huge white piles of stuffing and dealing with one flat toy. I should just buy material and make flat toys. Who needs stuffing?

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