Tuesday, October 21, 2008

New Look...Same Old Words of Wisdom

While the site has been updated with a new design, be warned that the written words remain the same. "Can't change an old dog, but you can buy it a new collar", and you may quote me.

I felt after a couple of years it was time to redo the place, so I looked around the Internet, found a place that really does all the leg work, and after pushing a few buttons of the keyboard, TADA...we have a fresh look for my blog. I like the change personally. But then I am a person who likes a fresh change every now and then.

I haven't any real words of wisdom today. I am a happy camper because I just completed my first paper in the nursing class I am taking. The class is a necessary evil (Educational Theories in Learning), BUT dry, so writing this paper took every drop of energy I could muster up to write it. But is is done, and now I can focus on paper two, which is no more exciting than paper one.
Okay, I think I have something for you...

Wisdom is the sharing of wise experiences and knowledge, but a lot of it is common sense. The difference is how we apply this common sense - we all have the ability to keep going even when we face challenges in our lives - basically it comes down to your attitude. We can have a positive attitude towards life, or a negative attitude. We can focus on the good or we can focus on the bad. Keeping a positive mental attitude is one of the keys to success. The choice is always up to you!

And from Pooh Bear...on procrastination...

"If you are always saying, ‘We’ll see,’ nothing ever happens"


Anonymous said...

that bear is a wise bear.... always been at my side since i was about 2 years old <3 he's a good best friend. id be lost w/o him

Wendy said...

He is smart despite his getting stuck in the hole that one time...