Thankfully, I went back through my blog, and each time I have shared a recipe I did indeed give credit where credit is due, unless it was MY recipe to share. This does the beg question though; at what point does a recipe become your own? Unless I suddenly develop a major ability to come with my own recipes (No one would expect me to suddenly become Julia Child), I normally look for something I like, and then change it to suit my taste preference. My alteration(s) in a recipe might be changing the spice or changing the way it might be served (something over rice versus pasta). Nothing major is ever modified and usually I’m nervous about changing anything, although I have gotten braver over time in the kitchen (It cannot hurt to use cinnamon over nutmeg, could it?)
Personally I find no embarrassment in admitting I have used a cookbook (and I would imagine my family sleeps better knowing I do). I like sharing things I find, and like it when I find something someone shares a dish I might like to try. This is how I have developed in the kitchen, and finding a new recipe I like, and being able to pull it off, is like finding a diamond in the rough. Really. And I don’t care if I’ll ever be as good as Julia was in the kitchen.
Non-cooks think it's silly to invest two hours work in a two minutes enjoyment; but if cooking is evanescent, so is the ballet. ~ Julia Child
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