Wednesday, April 23, 2008

They're Baccccckkkk!!

My first hummingbird has arrived back to my yard this am! (It might have been sooner, but this was the first sighting for me) and I am more than thrilled. I have been enjoying these little birds for a few years now, and I wonder each year IF they will return to my yard. My worries are gone.

One of the girls I work with, is also a fan of these cute little creatures, and she recently shared with me that I could put out one of my feeders now and not wait until May. I always assumed I had to wait for warmer weather, but she assured me they follow the flowers, and NOT the migratory patterns of birds. So I listened to her and she was right! Two weeks ago, I put out one feeder filled with the sweet liquid they love to feed on, and I waited. And waited. And waited some more.
I'll keep the one feeder up for now, but by mid May, my yard will have four more feeders. I love watching them each day, especially when they become comfortable enough to dive bomb the dogs, who I am sure, see them as a huge bug they just have to have. Silly birds.

Welcome back!

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