Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Migo the Library Dog

This week, Migo, our youngest Golden will take his Therapy Dog exam. I believe he is ready. It has been a long 8 weeks of training, but worth every second, especially when you see how people respond to dogs. Medical research shows that animal therapy promotes shorter hospital stays, decreases blood pressure, and dramatically improves sense of well being. In most cases, patients excitedly anticipate their furry friends' visits; thus giving children, adults and the elderly even more reason to feel happier, healthier and more alert.

I have always been a believer in the power of animals to help heal our spirits, and in some cases, the human body. The stories are never ending; enhancing the quality of life through the human-animal bond. I know on a personal level how my dogs make a difference in my own life. As a natural stress reducer, animal therapy is an excellent method of incidental physiotherapy.

So Migo will join his sister Madison, our other Golden, at the local library to provide a service in which children will read to them. I love this program and love sharing my dogs with the local children. The kids respond favorably to the dogs and that’s what pet therapy is all about. I’m glad I am a part of something so positive.

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