Saturday, June 21, 2008

Baby Robins and Gypsy Caterpillars

The park we love to walk is being destroyed. Well, the trees that grace it and provide us walking shade are literally dying before our eyes by the gypsy caterpillars. As we walk, we squish and kill all we can, but there are only so many we can get to and obliterate. I am glad that Jim was able to spray our trees, so perhaps they have a chance. It’s really been an ongoing struggle for many areas here in NJ, as it is in other states. It’s just in the last two years here that we are really seeing the trees die off and it is quite sad. The Pine Barrens, while predominantly pines, are also slowly dying as it was graced with many oaks. The next step is to lure the moths into traps, and Jim has strategically placed the traps around the yard, so we are doing what we can here to control the destruction. We hope.

Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. (Left to various interpretations, however I see ‘meek’ as helpless tiny things).

Now onto the baby birds. We have this silly Robin that insists each year on nesting in our arbor. Now while it is a great place to nest (the rain has little chance of getting to her nest, as do any other creatures, and the height is perfect), what concerns us is that on the day it is time to push the little ones out of the nest, she does so with a pack of Goldens hanging around. And this pack is smart and can hear the peeping going on in the yard. Last year we did not rescue the birds in time. =( this year we were one step ahead of the mother. We knew (how I did not know) that the day had come to teach them to fly. So we watched and as each little guy or gal fell down to the ground, we shooed them out past the fence and out of harm’s way. After all, they are ‘bird dogs’ and do not intend to hurt the birds, but the simple soft mouthing of them has not proved to be safe. Thankfully, the nest is empty, and the four little birds have moved out of the yard and on to safer ground.
“For the birds that cannot soar, God has provided low branches.”
~ Turkish Proverb

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