Monday, June 16, 2008

Online Friendships

"Constantly look for a new friend, a truly first-class person, one who has the courage to criticize, to demand your best self, a person who has different interests and different beliefs from yours, a friend for whom you can render a constructive service. Devote energy toward making such friends. Retain them, never let them go, and continue making new friends until you die." This quotation comes from William Terhune, a noted psychiatrist and founding professor of the psychiatric department at Yale University. (Bet you are wondering if Bill and I were friends?) This quote should be followed by all people.

I have many friends who meet the expectations of this quotation. I love them, and will cherish their friendships for as long as we live. I have friends from my childhood school days, college days, old jobs, my military days (ok, I wasn’t IN the military, but I did work and live among them), and from simply moving around the country because of Jim’s job. I have friends online and offline. Over the years I have gained many new friends, thank to the power of the internet.

There are those who debate the value of online friendships, believing them to be phony, or a waste of time. Someone who is not online on a regular basis, or at all, has a hard time understanding a friendship formed on the Internet. Ask a member of an online cancer support chat room about online friendships. Many would report they would be lost without their online friends who provide them with hours of support. Ask a nurse who is struggling through an online class how important an online nurse friendship might be (I have many good nurse friends from classes).

One of the friendships I treasure is my friend Michele who I met online years ago in a writer’s forum. We chatted about various things through the forum, and then eventually through emails, and until this day to have an incredible friendship. We met, we talked, and then I suddenly realized I had met someone who has the same sense of humor, the same values, and some of the same interests that I do (I know she feels the same about me)!

Michele is as real as my offline friends. Real friendship is about support, sharing, laughter, and loyalty. Michele is this and more. We have been friends for a long time. IF my memory is right it has been 8 years. She lives out west, not where cowboys live, but far from NJ! Her emails always seem to come at a time when I need to laugh. Her writing of her life’s adventures ALWAYS makes me chuckle, and not at her, but with her! She is truly a treasure of technology. Thanks Michele for being my friend.


Anonymous said...

Of all times for me to be unable to access the computer. A prominently featured mention in your blog? Please tell me my 15 minutes of fame are not over! [It would be the story of my life to miss it!]

But, just in case...

*Curtseying and blowing kisses to the adoring crowd*

I am so blessed and honored to be singled out as the epitome of cyber-friendship.
I'd like to thank all the little people...

So, thank you Billy Barty, General Tom Thumb and the Munchkins who appeared in "The Wizard of Oz" - with special mention to the Lullaby League and the Lollipop Guild.

I'd like to also thank my 6th grade music teacher, Mrs. McSpadden for teaching me to play the recorder; the dental hygienist for giving me that spiffy new toothbrush and the lady at the bureau of motor vehicles for not busting a gut laughing when I told her my weight for the driver's license was 105 lbs. and believing me!

Ladies and gentlemen, our fair blogger is someone I hold near and dear to my heart. I often feel like we were separated at birth. I don't feel the least bit cheated that she got to go to the fabulously wealthy family and lived the life of a princess while I scrubbed floors for my evil step mother and step sisters.

I harbor no resentment or jealousy. I wish only the best for her. No, really! I swear! :D

She is such a kind, compassionate and caring woman. She is funny, a wonderful writer and story teller and an all around great gal. She reminds me so much of... well, ME! No wonder I like her so much!

Thank you so much for the kind words. It brought a tear to my eye [really have had my contacts in too long today] and a lump in my throat [tip: never read a blog while trying to swallow chocolate larger than a 3 month old Easter Bunny with all its limbs still attached] Luckily I had a mug of steaming hot coffee to melt the candy. [The doctors say I may regain my voice in about 2 months]

You are indeed my good friend.

Um, you were talking about me, weren't you? How many Michele's do you know? This will be so embarrassing if it was about the girl married to that Democratic candidate instead of me.

The right Michele *keeping fingers crossed*

Wendy said...

THIS is why I love you girl! =)

Anonymous said...

I guess you've figured out that was my attempt at 'creative writing' up there.

Lord knows, there would never be any chocolate sitting around my house for 3 months!

The turnover is much quicker than that! I eat chocolate faster than my gas guzzling Chrysler burns through a tank! And that's fast!


PS Did someone say turnovers? Chocolate turnovers? Never had that but it sounds 'do-able' :)