Friday, June 20, 2008

Summer and Tim Russert

Good grief, where does time go! Summer is here and we (I) have been busy out in the yard, and just sitting and relaxing on my deck (my favorite place on the planet, next to my bed). School is out around here, so the place is quiet and peaceful!

Jim and I spent time sodding (placing sod) the bare areas of the backyard. So far, they have taken and no one has dragged the live green carpets away (I speak of my four-legged yard maintenance crew), so I am happy. The results look great and we did NOT spend fortune (Thank You Home Depot) for the sod pieces. I also planted a few tiny evergreen-like trees in front of the shed, and so far no one objects to them. They are still there. (Yes, I again speak of the lawn maintenance crew). My yard is plush and green, thanks to all the rain and humid weather. So the view from my deck is enjoyable. (Truthfully, my deck would be enjoyable without a view).

I am sad this week because of the sudden death of Tim Russert. I, like many, truly found him a wonderful person, and have got to add that he had the ability to help me understand the intricate business of politics. “Meet the Press” was one of my favorite news shows, and if you know me, you know I am a news junkie, so my choice is important to where I get my news. In this riveting political year, he had the know-how in getting to the bottom of the issues with those who knew the issues. God bless you Tim! I will miss you terribly.

I have also been busy with my mom, helping her out (doctor’s appts) and then work has had me busy as well. I’m here, I’m good, as is the rest of my family...just involved in life and summer. Stay tuned for more from me....throughout the summer.

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