Sunday, June 22, 2008

Saving Gas = Having Fun

Like everyone else across the nation, and around the world, we are feeling the pains of higher gas prices. They stink (I could use a stronger adjective, but stink covers it as well). I no longer just “jump in the Jeep to run an errand”, but stratagize each errand and then each route in getting them done. We have no choice. Jim and I always car pool; that is he takes me to work when I work the longer shifts and then swings by and picks me back up after he is done at his job. This saves.

With the prices going higher and higher, it was now time to drag out Jim’s motorcycle and get it back on the road. So with a little bit of maintenance, and two brand new helmets purchased, he is now using it to run errands in town, and take both kids to work (they both work in town). It helps and the kids enjoy dad taking them to work on the back of his bike. I, too, enjoy the occasional ride into town to get a bag of groceries. If “going into town” was closer, we could hoof it, but...

Change is never easy, but this one comes with a little bit of fun. So the change has been easy to do and in the long run, helping to maintain the costs of getting around and getting things done. And we like that. Now if we could tackle the soaring food prices this easy.

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