Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter to My Family and Friends!

In this uncertain world full of changes and doubt,
These are the blessings I can't do without,
The three golden keys to what life's all about
Faith, family, and friends.

When I'm feeling unsure
or my heart's lost its way,
I try to remember
to reach out and pray,
And I always find meaning
to comfort my day
In faith, family, and friends.

Wherever I go
and whatever I do,
This is my wish
for myself and for you -
That we'll always find strength
in these things that are true
In faith, family, and friends.

What always sees me through,
what's really important
to my life and my heart,
are my faith in God
and the warm and wonderful
people in my world -
especially people like you.

Have a Wonderful Easter!

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