Wednesday, March 05, 2008

My Dental Nightmare

“I’d rather have a root canal...that was more fun than a root canal.” These are common expressions most us have used a time or two to convey our feelings about something we have or might encounter that makes us uncomfortable. Fear of the dentist and the pain they sometimes, but not always inflict upon us, has a majority of us scared to death of these people. Dentophobia, or fear of the dentist, isn't as uncommon as most people might think. One bad experience, or horrible dentist, can create a horrific fantasy in the mind of a person who is scheduled, or should be scheduled, to see go to a dentist.

I have had my share of dental horrors, and ONE horrible dentist, like many people, but my fears are not so bad that I do not go on a regular basis. My teeth, except one stupid molar, are all in great shape, and over the course of my life time, I have only had two cavities. Not bad.

This one molar has had its share of dental work. First there was the tiny cavity, which then grew to a bigger cavity, which then progressed to root canal (by an idiot), which then lead to a crown (by the same idiot), which then lead to a
pulpectomy (to fix something the idiot did wrong), which has lead to a new problem. (I should have had the damn tooth pulled 23 years ago, despite its tiny cavity).

Today, that problem was fixed by Dr. Dental McDreamy. I am not kidding. Actually his name is Dr. Milone and he was personable, caring, good to look at, and not afraid to load me with enough lidocaine to numb the gums of a beast. He had no choice but to pull the bastard out. I normally would oppose to losing a tooth, but after 23 nightmare years with this tooth, all I can say is good riddens!

Interestingly enough, the hole left behind was filled with a bone grafting material that comes from cows. Cait would like knowing this information. I just hope it came from California cows, because that area of my mouth needs some happiness.

What's really worse than a root canal?
The Chicago Dental Society recently polled its 350 member dentists to find out:

10. A long car ride with in-laws.
9. Getting a Brazilian bikini wax.
8. A birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese
7. Listening to teenagers' music.
6. Being bitten by a patient.
5. Asking a girl out for a first date.
4. Watching the Cubs. (huh?)
3. Watching political ads. (This seems painless to me)
2. Giving birth – at least a root canal doesn't go home with you, need diaper changes, cry, then learn to talk.

And the No. 1 answer, at least according to dentists:
Hearing someone say, "That was about as much fun as a root canal."

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