Sunday, March 09, 2008

Why Blog?

A recent discussion at work centered on the writing of diaries and online journals, or blogs, and what real purpose they served to those who wrote them, and to those who read them. I not only write this blog, but I am always looking for good food blogs to read. Those are the ones I really enjoy, as well as learn from in regards to food and food preparation.

So why do we blog? More importantly, why does Wendy blog? Herman Melville put it best when he said, "We cannot live for ourselves alone. Our lives are connected by a thousand invisible threads, and along these sympathetic fibers, our actions run as causes and return to us as results." A perfect description of blogging, don't you think?

I started offline journaling about 6-7 years ago in an attempt to sort through my problems. I was going through some difficult times, and in some odd way it helped to write down and list all my problems. Like seeing them in print would lessen the effects. You’d almost think seeing them listed might make matters worse. I have read those old writings and while many of the old problems are gone, I wonder if journaling at that time really did help me in the end. I think it did. I know it did.

Journaling is way for us to identify where our heads might be, to list insights into current problems, feelings, emotions. It’s also been a way for me to do writing. I love writing and sharing a piece of who I am and what I am doing in my own life with others; others being you the readers, my family and dear friends. Perhaps my thoughts stimulate others to wonder about themselves. Maybe. And it certainly is a way for me to share what’s going on here and in Grenada with all of you.

My blog for me is like taking a long walk through the woods. It’s my quiet time, and provides me with the chance to really think about what’s going on in my life. Sometimes I have no idea where my posts will go, or where they might end up. My blog is a way to connect to you, the reader. There’s a certain joy in that connection I hold dear. I hope you enjoy reading my blog, as much as i enjoy writing and sharing it with you.

“Each new day is a blank page in the diary of your life. The secret of success is in turning that diary into the best story you possibly can.” ~ Douglas Pagels, A Wonderful Resolution For The New Year!

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