Thursday, March 06, 2008

It's Wubba Time!

It flies through the air, it whips around at fast speeds, it squeaks, and it gets chewed on!! But mostly, it is loved.

He spins, he runs, he slides, and he twirls! He is happy and I just laugh!

Our puppy Meego has the silliest way about him (when he is not being bad), but when he plays with his Wubba, he is like a kitty rolling in catnip. What’s a Wubba? A Wubba, it seems, is a dogs best friend, and Meego has proved this time and time again. Per one doggy site, it is an innovative toy. “With its durable nylon-covered mini tennis ball and auditorily-intense squeaker ball, the interactive toss-and-tug Wubba Toy is a double delight to the canine senses.” And it was recently recognized as one of the best new dog products at Global Pet Expo, America’s largest international pet industry trade show! I can believe it.

Meego got his first Wubba from Caitlin when he was a puppy, but it as time has passed, he seems to enjoy it more and more. And when he plays, he plays! Our home is a center hall colonial and this provides him with an endless race track. He and his Wubba average speeds that are not even recognizable by radar! I’m not kidding. But mostly he makes me laugh, and that is what having pets is all about.

One Golden: $600.00
One Wubba: $8.00
Watching them together: priceless

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