Friday, June 06, 2008

The Social Mentality of Geese

After seeing a story in the news in which an old man was run over by a car (hit and run) and no one, NO ONE stopped to help him, I am further convinced we are living in a very ME, ME, ME world. What the hell has happened to our moral compasses? Why have we stopped looking after one another? Personally, I cannot even imagine NOT stopping to help someone in need, no matter the circumstances. And it has nothing to do with the fact that I am a professional nurse.

I often think about how a flock of geese works together and wonder why we cannot all be like a flock of geese. There's power in a gaggle of geese that you just don't find in a lone goose. For example:

Fact: As each goose flaps its wings, it creates lift for the bird following. By flying in a "V" formation, the whole flock adds 71% greater flying range than if one goose flew alone.
Lesson: Those who share a common direction and sense of unity can get where they're going quicker and easier because they're drawing strength from each other.

Fact: When a goose falls out of formation, it suddenly feels the drag and resistance of trying to fly alone, and quickly gets back into formation to take advantage of the lifting power of the bird in front.
Lesson: Stay in formation with those who are headed where we want to go; be willing to accept their help and give help to others.

Fact: When the lead goose gets tired, it rotates back into the formation and another goose flies at the point position.
Lesson: It pays to take turns doing the hard tasks and sharing leadership. People, like geese, are interdependent on each other.

Fact: Geese look after each other. If one gets sick or wounded, two geese follow it down to protect and feed it until it either recovers or dies.
Lesson: Stand by each other in difficult times as well as in good times.

I am sad for the elderly man that got hit and then did not get immediate attention from those standing nearby. I am sad for those who felt they could not reach out to him and hope that if they ever find themselves in the same situation, that someone, like me, will be there to help them. I do like this ME world we live in and hope it changes. And soon.

1 comment:

Mindy said...

Ack! How could NO ONE stop to help the poor man? I can't imagine seeing someone in distress and NOT helping them. It is a sad world we live in!