Thursday, March 27, 2008

Migo is Moving to Grenada!!!

The first thing you should note is the three exclamation points in the title. That ought to convey how excited I am about Migo (also known as Meego and Meegs) moving to Grenada this August. It's not that I do not adore the kid, I do. He is just a very busy kid who always seems to test my patience and my ability to repair the damage before Jim finds out about it.

Life really has not really been the same since his arrival here. Oh sure, there's more dogs to love, and certainly more love to get in return, but the back yard has taken a HUGE beating. He has proven to need my constant attention. Even the simple task of reading a magazine takes on a whole new meaning when this 80 pound dog thinks he can merely sit in my lap!

His energy is unlimited. If you have been following my blog for any time, you know he has added much to our lives. So how is it I am so excited about his leaving home? It's simple really. He is going to provide Caitlin with a good source of companionship in Grenada, and because she has missed her dogs terribly, this is a good thing. The two of them will have lots of fun and many adventures together. (I promise to wipe a tear every now and again from my eyes).

The real question we should be Grenada ready for Migo?

While he is away, my blog will be left empty of Migo stories, however if you feel the need to know how he is doing in Grenada or what trouble he might be causing, (other than watching the news media for any "Crazy Dog in Grenada" stories), you can add to your favorite places the following site: A Golden in Grenada. I'm quite sure the blog will be full of good stories courtesy of Migo and Caitlin as the two settle down in Grenada. In the meantime, Migo has promised to keep us posted as to what he is doing to prepare for this please check out the blog. It might be fun! ( I know I'm curious).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hope to go cait and her roomates neighbors downstairs don't have a dog.. just for the sake of there own sanity... little migo will be barking all day and nite at it lol