Monday, December 29, 2008

Cheap Food, A Good Movie, and Family!

It will come to no surprise to you who know me, and know I feel about my kids being home, why I would share this blog entry. Daniel, took a spill, fell down a flight of stairs, and sustained soft tissue damage to his right foot! That was not good, but he is okay! Of course, he did this while out of state, and spent three hours in a local hospital ED in Rhode Island. Thankfully, Jim was with him. (Long story short, Daniel now is out of the dorms and Kelly’s (his number one and half) place and in his own place). He now has his own room in a house with five others, near campus. But, I digress.

Because Daniel has been trapped on the couch, foot up and iced, the four of us spent the day together yesterday watching a movie (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull) and a variety of TV shows, and eating take-out Chinese, all of us in our jammies. NOW this is my kind of family day. My kids home, Jim home, cheap food I did not have to make, and good movies. It was fun. It was long overdue.

While I have shared before that I love my alone time with Jim, and my nice clean and organized empty nest, I do love time with my kids. It made my holidays a whole lot happier!

Now I have to go and do Daniel’s wash.


Anonymous said...

i miss him cuz this is a time that i can't really help.. i kinda feel helpless. now i see why he's always busy though lol :-) now everything is clear. hehe.

Nikon said...

Rhode Island, huh? I hope that it's a good school!