Friday, December 26, 2008

No Thanks, I'm Full. Really.

Holy crap! I have eaten more rich foods in the past week, and I have one more night to go! Between the holiday parties, cookies, and rich foods that I normally do not eat, I feel bloated and toxic. Very toxic. More toxic than anything toxic you can think of.

Tonight we celebrate Chanukah with my sister and her family and while I LOVE her potato latkes, my stomach is already on full alert. I really do not have a weight issue, but after tonight, I am going on a full get rid of the toxins diet. (I have no real plan in mid except lots of water and healthier foods). The cookies will be all gone, and the cupboards empty of anything that says "Merry Christmas"!

The joys of holiday living! Pass the Alka Seltzer!

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