Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hooked on a 17 year-old Vampire!

About 6 months ago, I began to hear about a series of books by Stephenie Meyer whose main character is a 17 year-old vampire who begins a romance with 17 year-old Bella Swan, who is not a vampire. I found myself wondering who was this Edward Cullen that many young girls were enthralled with all of a sudden? What was it about him, or the series of books that had everyone's attention?

So like most interested and nosey readers, I picked up the first book of the series called Twilight, and was imediately sucked into the book. Seriously. I was hooked and within two days inhaled and immensely enjoyed this book. I just began book two New Moon, and I have just about inahled it all today! I love the writing, the characters, and the way the story unfolds. I have never been a fan of vampire books, all though I did read Anne Rice's Lestat and did enjoy that book.

I'd write more about this new pre-occupation with vampire teens, but I have to get back to book two!

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